// Código JavaScript
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    // Obtenemos el elemento con la clase "fb-menu"
    const fbMenu = document.querySelector('.fb-menu');

    // Agregamos un evento de clic al elemento con la clase "bricks-mobile-menu-wrapper"
    document.querySelector('.bricks-mobile-menu-wrapper').addEventListener('click', function (event) {
        // Verificamos si el elemento clickeado es un enlace (etiqueta "a")
        if (event.target.tagName === 'A') {
            // Removemos la clase "show-mobile-menu" del elemento con la clase "fb-menu"

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  • Web Design

    Embark on a visual journey with our custom Web Design service. We craft unique and user-friendly websites tailored to your TMS clinic's brand, making a lasting impression on your online visitors.
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  • Digital Marketing

    Experience clinic growth through strategic Digital Marketing. Our tailored campaigns target your ideal audience, driving patient acquisition and retention to accelerate your TMS clinic's success in the digital landscape.
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  • SEO

    Elevate your clinic's online visibility with our SEO service. We optimize your website's content and structure to ensure you rank higher on search engines, connecting you with patients actively seeking TMS therapy.
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